The Power of Maltese Citizenship: A Global Residence Index Perspective

October 31, 2023

Maltese citizenship holds much power as compared to other nations. Read on to learn in detail about this program.

The instability in the political and social perspectives has raised the demand for global citizenship. As a part of this concept, many nations are opening their borders to foreign nationals in return for a contributory investment. One such country is Malta, which has long been running a popular citizenship-by-investment program.

The Power of Maltese Citizenship: A Global Residence Index Perspective

The Power of Maltese Citizenship: A Global Residence Index Perspective

    Malta's citizenship by investment options at Global Residence Index has been helping people get through the Maltese citizenship by investment program in a hassle-free manner. While assisting people through the process, we have realized the great benefits of Maltese citizenship. The best aspect is that Malta offers multiple options for making an investment as per the individual's requirements.

    Guide To The Immense Power of Maltese Citizenship

    Here are the advantages of Maltese citizenship, which make it a powerful passport in the world.

    Political and Social Stability

    Malta enjoys serene and calm political and social stability, which attracts many foreign investors from different countries. This comes as a benefit for people who are seeking an alternative country to get away from the political and civil issues in their home country.

    Stable Economic Scenario

    Malta's stable economic scenario is another appealing factor for foreign investors seeking a new place to increase their business ventures. The traditional markets in Malta have been attractive enough and expanding enough to give opportunities to foreign investors.

    Dual Citizenship

    Malta permits dual citizenship, which comes as a benefit for people who want to avail the residentship of two nations. Dual citizenship offers immense tax and business opportunities for the citizens. Investors can easily travel hassle-free and do their business with ease if both countries, their home country and the country where they are investing, allow dual citizenships.

    Visa-Free Travel To Countries

    A Maltese citizenship acquired through investment allows investors to travel visa-free to different countries. Since Malta is a part of Europe and joined the Schengen area in the year 2007, its citizens can travel to countries such as France, Hungary, Latvia, Estonia, Denmark, Netherlands, and all 26 Schengen area countries.

    In short, Malta citizenship permits visa-free traveling to 183 nations worldwide.

    European Passport

    With the Maltese Citizenship by Naturalization for Exceptional Services by Direct Investment program, investors and their families get a European passport with its own perks. The Maltese passport is renowned as a family-friendly passport and gives you a chance to include your family members and dependents in the program after paying a donation fee.

    However, the donation fee gets discounted with each additional dependant added to the program. Also, it is a known fact that kids who are born to Maltese citizens automatically get Maltese citizenship.

    Tax-Free Friendly Regime

    Malta has a perfect tax regime for the citizens as it is based on the concept of residency. Thus, being a citizen, you may not have to pay taxes at all. You should stay in Malta for a minimum of 183 days every year to be included in their tax regime.

    Malta's tax regime does not include taxes on wealth, gifts, or inheritance. Also, you do not have to pay taxes on income incurred outside Malta and may take advantage of the tax plans.

    Reside and Study in EU Nations

    Acquiring Maltese citizenship gives access to foreign investors and their families the right to reside, study, or work in all the EU nations. In addition, being an investor, your kids get access to the Maltese public schools and state schools. These state schools are free when it comes to studying, transportation, and even books.

    What are the Investment Requirements for Maltese Citizenship Requirements?

    The Maltese Government has set the qualifying investment to be between €700,000 and €1,460,000. Also, the government has offered three options for investing in qualifying for citizenship through the investment process.

    These include making a contribution or donation to the National Development and Social Fund as organized by the Maltese Government. This fund works for the growth of sectors such as social improvement, education, and creating jobs.

    In addition, the investors can purchase a real estate property with a minimum amount of €700,000. You can also lease the property for a yearly minimum rent of €16,000. The citizens are required to purchase or rent the property for a period of five years from the date of acquiring citizenship.

    The third option offered by the Maltese government for participating in the citizenship-by-investment program is making a donation of a minimum of €10,000 to any of the registered non-governmental groups or societies.

    Eligibility Criteria For Maltese Citizenship-by-Investment Program

    To become eligible for the Maltese citizenship-by-investment program, one must:

    • You should be more than 18 years of age;
    • You must be able to make qualifying investments as set by the Government of Maltese;
    • You should have a clean criminal record;
    • You should submit a proper residency card as proof of the residency.

    Final Words

    The Maltese passport is a perfect one that comes endowed with impressive benefits for holders. In addition, its scenic beauty, excellent climatic conditions, and stable economic setup make it a fabulous choice for being a second home. Thus, if you are also seeking to make a choice between countries for citizenship-by-investment programs, Malta should be on your list, and that too on the top. Happy getting Maltese citizenship!

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