Wordless Wednesday: Stingless Bees At Sonya’s Garden

August 12, 2022

A few years ago, I found out that there are stingless bees which I found fascinating that's why I never really forgot about them.

It’s the second time this week that I’m writing Wordless Wednesday on a Thursday because I’ve been swamped with work for the last two weeks. Anyway, here goes my short story for this week.

Stingless bees at Sonya's Garden in Tagaytay

Wordless Wednesday: Stingless Bees At Sonya’s Garden

In 2017, I had the chance to visit Sonya’s Garden in Tagaytay. It’s one of the most highly recommended places to visit in the city. Sonya’s Garden is a sprawling property with a hotel, a wedding and events reception hall, souvenir shops, a bakery, and lush gardens filled with an impressive variety of flowering flowers.

Sonya’s Garden is a sight to behold but what caught my attention is a tiny patch near the Proposal Garden. In that small area, there was a sign that read “Stingless Bee.” It was my first time hearing about stingless bees so I was curious to see what they looked like.

I saw a bamboo tube but from where I was standing, I couldn’t see any bees. I looked closer and it was then that I realized that the stingless bees were minute insects. In fact, they were as small as flies.

Stingless bees are not really stingless but their stingers are highly reduced so these cannot be used for defense. I was amazed because I thought all bees stung. At some point, while I was checking out the colony of the stinging bees, I was feeling a little hesitant around those little insects for fear that they will sting or bite me. Good thing there was none of that.

According to Wikipedia, stingless bees are also called meliponines. They are closely related to honey bees, carpenter bees, orchid bees, and bumble bees.

Anyway, going back to Sonya’s Garden, it was really nice of them to provide a home for stingless bees on their property. I know stingless bees don’t really need help when it comes to shelter since their colonies are pretty much self-sustaining. What I’m just saying is that it was such a nice move for Sonya’s Garden to have stingless bees in their garden because it was through that that I became familiar with those types of bees.

Ever since learning about them, I never really forgot about stingless bees and the memory of those little insects kept popping regularly in my head.

Have you heard about stingless bees? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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  1. I didn't know there were these kind of bees. Very interesting.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. ♥

  2. How cool. I hadn't heard of stingless bees before. I'd love to see them.

  3. I've never heard of these bees before either. And I don't think I would have realized those are bees there without being told because they are so small. I'm used to the massive fat bumblebees and wood-boring bees we have around my house.

  4. I had no idea stingless bees even existed!

  5. Wow! I had no idea that stingless bees existed. What a cool experience that was. I'd love to go there and see them for myself.

  6. I wish all bees were stingless. I hate being stung by a bee.

  7. That is really interesting, we didn't know about bees like that!

  8. Apparently since they cannot defend themselves by stinging, they do bite!

    1. Haha. So they're not totally defenseless. Oh well, we all need to fight off potential predators and intruders anyway.

  9. I've always wanted to visit Sonya's Garden! Didn't know stingless bees exist, will definitely check them out when I get to visit the place.

  10. This is the first time I’ve heard about stingless bees! They’re so interesting and it’s great that they are not defenseless after all.

  11. Ive never heard about stingless bees and this is new thing for me. It was a real interesting read.

  12. After reading this, I dont think I can either forget about stingless bees.

  13. Love this. We need to be saving all our pollinators to keep food growing. Bees are essential to our life.

  14. To be honest, this is the first time that I've heard of a stingless bees. As most everyone knows that bees has a sting! Such a great shared, it's very informative! Loved it!

  15. I have never heard of stingless bees. I thought all bees could sting you.

  16. I've never heard of stingless bees. Even most honey bees won't sting you unless you provoke them or try to harm them. I watch bee keepers move honey bees on tiktok.

  17. I’ve never heard about stingless bees before. This is a very informative post! I’m happy to know about this kind of bee!

  18. Waa, I didn't know about something like this before. It's interesting to find out to know about stingless bees.

  19. This garden sounds to be an amazing place with so many interesting places and things to visit!

  20. Stingless bees! this is new to me. I didnt know anything about stringless bees

  21. Oh I didn't know there was this type of bee! Its very interesting to see different types of bees compared to what type of garden you're visiting.

  22. How neat to see these in person! I have heard of these before. There are also bees in Mexico that don't sting.

  23. I'm amazed! Bees without stings are a completely new concept to me. The experience was awesome.

  24. The world is full of fascinating things. Thank you for sharing something that captured you heart, like these stingless bees! Terri Steffes
