Wordless Wednesday: The Fortune Diamond in Galaxy Macau Hotel

July 28, 2022

One of the things that you should not forget to do when in Macau is to see the Fortune Diamond located at Galaxy Macau Hotel.

When we traveled to Macau eight years ago, we really didn’t know where to begin on our first day. What we did was walk outside our hotel and just play it by ear from there. The breathtaking Galaxy Macau Hotel caught our attention because, well, it was grand and imposing. Best of all, it was open to the public so we went inside. We were hoping to quickly tour the lobby and then take a bus going to Largo do Senado (Senate Square).

The Fortune Diamond in Galaxy Macau Hotel

Wordless Wednesday: The Fortune Diamond in Galaxy Macau Hotel

However, something seemingly magical caught our attention while we were exploring the Galaxy Macau Hotel; it was a huge fountain with colorful lights emanating from inside as well as holographic images of swimming mermaids. 

There was music coupled with the sound of rustling water. It was the Fortune Diamond, possibly the best feature of the lobby of the Galaxy Macau Hotel. The Fortune Diamond would briefly emerge from the water, rotate as it slowly moves up, and then descend once more into the fountain.

The Fortune Diamond was as high as three meters. I found out later on that the design of the Fortune Diamond is based on a peacock’s plumes.

More than a spectacular show in itself, the Fortune Diamond symbolizes prosperity and good fortune. It was meant to bring good luck to the players who frequent the casino of Galaxy Macau Hotel. I felt that I instantly became rich after watching the Fortune Diamond.

The show starts at 10:00 AM with 30-minute intervals and ends at 10:00 PM. Everybody is free to watch the Fortune Diamond, even if they are not checked in the Galaxy Macau Hotel.

I took a video of the Fortune Diamond as a keepsake. Unfortunately, I lost that video when my external drive crashed five years ago. I wasn’t able to post it on YouTube because I wasn’t active on that platform at that time.

After that brief show, we proceeded to the bus loading stations and went our way to Largo do Senado for a brief walk into Macau’s rich historical past.

Are you familiar with the Fortune Diamond in Galaxy Macau Hotel? What do you think about it? Feel free to share your stories in the comment section below.

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  1. Wow, what a beautiful hotel. It's nice to stay is a very nice hotel when travel.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  2. That fountain is so beautiful. I wish that I could see it person because im sure the picture doesn't do it any justice.

  3. Wow that is grand! We will definitely have this on our bucket list if we ever travel to Macau.

  4. Writing down The Galaxy Macau Hotel on my "to visit" list. The Fortune Diamond is magnificent.

  5. That fountain and chandelier are absolutely decadent, I could probably stare at it for hours if I saw it in person!

  6. Richelle Milar28 July 2022 at 15:11

    Wow! That was a really stunning and amazing hotel! I would definitely love to stay there and see it in person!

  7. What a beautiful, colorful display! It's great that the show goes on throughout the day.

  8. What a beautiful display...it's great that it goes on throughout the day.

  9. What a beautiful place! I would like to visit one day and to watch the show!

  10. I did not know about this or this hotel! Gorgeous! A must see for sure!

  11. It looks amazing there. It must be lovely to see in person.

  12. I haven't heard of the Fortune Diamond until now. I'd love to visit the Macau Hotel.

  13. Monica Simpson29 July 2022 at 05:24

    This hotel looks gorgeous! I'll have to show my husband for an anniversary getaway.

  14. What an interesting place to visit. I've never heard of this hotel and the fortune galaxy would be neat to see in person.
