I’m Proud Of My Boys

June 25, 2022

I'm proud of what my little boys have achieved.

Things have been a little busy in our home lately. As the week of Father’s Day approached, I was inundated with blog and brand collaboration requests. I’m grateful for the opportunities that came along especially because many of them were paid engagements.

Proud of my two little boys
Miguel and Rafa

However, I have to admit that it’s been more tiring this year because most of the brands that I worked with were requesting both static photos and short video clip postings. For a time, I thought that the popularity of IG reels and TikTok have not been favorable to me because I’m not really good when it comes to videos.

I like the new skills that I learn along the way but for a family man like me, I sometimes just would like to stick to my comfort zone. That’s not to mention that I had to drive Miguel to his summer class almost on a daily basis on top of my job interviews and eventually the pre-employment requirements that I had to fulfill.

All of those things happening simultaneously kept me busy and distracted. Suffice it to say that the pressure to deliver hasn’t worked in my favor because I became a little too cantankerous. At the end of it all, I had to do some introspection and find the simple things that make me smile. In doing that, I realized that I may have missed saying how proud I am of my two boys because of what they have achieved lately.

The seeds from Miguel's planting activity have bloomed
The seeds from Miguel's planting activity have sprouted

Miguel recently graduated from his Learners with Special Education Needs (LSEN) summer playschool. I don’t think that I have to say more because graduation is an achievement and is always a cause for celebration. That means that the graduate has gained new knowledge and was able to hurdle the challenges at school. That is also how I viewed Miguel’s graduation from his LSEN class.

The LSEN class ran for about a month and focused on improving the socialization skills of the children. Miguel is one of the silent ones in the first few sessions of their LSEN class according to his teacher. He would just sit in one corner and wait for his teachers to ask him to play with the other kids or to be offered toys.

One of the activities in Miguel's LSEN class is to plant seeds
One of the activities in Miguel's LSEN class is to plant seeds

As days went on Miguel’s interest grew so that he was already interacting with his classmates and picking the toys that he wanted to play with. I know we still have a lot of things to work on but, again, small wins are worth celebrating.

On the other hand, I’m amazed because Rafa has learned a lot from his lessons at home. Some two weeks ago, I was surprised because he already knows most of the letters of the alphabet. The same goes for numbers one to ten. As for identifying colors, his spectrum has expanded beyond blue to include red, green, pink, purple, and so on.

On one occasion when we were reviewing the alphabet, he would identify the pictures that corresponded with the letters (apple, cookies, drum, ice cream, etc.). I didn’t teach him those, it was actually his yaya who did.

Rafa playing basketball
Rafa playing basketball

Still, I’m proud of the many things that he retained in his memory. He’s ready for playschool but I just couldn’t find a good schedule for him. I know he’ll enjoy learning new things and being with children who are the same age as him. In the meantime, we’ll continue to learn our little learning sessions at home.

What are the things that have made you proud lately? Feel free to share them in the comment section below.

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