How Rebranding My Family Travel Blog Has Led To More Opportunities For It

November 17, 2021

Here's how new opportunities came when I rebranded my blog.

I rebranded my blog a little more than a year ago because I felt that the old name no longer resonated with the content that I was writing. It was a move that was, in a way, I thought was risky and somehow bold because it could turn some readers off. In the end though, I was happy with my decision because it turned out well and I was more at home with my blog’s new name.

Blog rebranding for more opportunities

How Rebranding My Family Travel Blog Has Led To More Opportunities For It

    Why rebrand your blog?

    There could be many reasons for rebranding your site. It can be as simple as wanting a cute name for your blog or it could be that your current life circumstances are no longer aligned with your blog’s content direction. whatever your reason for rebranding is, it’s perfectly fine as long as you are happy with the result.

    For my case, my blog has been through several name and even platform changes over the course of 14 years. I started this blog as a personal blog because I wanted to hone my writing skills. My blog was born out of passion and I never really had any big dreams for it in terms of monetization and brand partnerships. 

    For the longest time, I wrote poems, short fictional stories, anecdotes from my day to day life, my trips to Intramuros because I love old Manila, and so on.

    Shifting to the travel niche

    When I got married, I wrote about our honeymoon in Macau because it was an experience that I wanted to relive over and over again. 

    That was the start of the evolution of this blog as a travel journal. I wrote about the places that Mommy Khris and I visited so the focus is mostly couple travel (for some readers, you might remember the name Ivan + Khris’ Travels). I do enjoy traveling and I loved documenting our trips.

    New editorial content direction for blog
    Photo courtesy of

    While it’s true that monetizing my blog was just a secondary goal (an insignificant one at that), I still wanted to network with my fellow bloggers and brands because I knew that I could learn a lot of things from them.

    However, I soon realized that the local travel niche is already a little saturated and the more established travel bloggers dominated the field. At some point, I felt that it was a big challenge just to network with some of them. 

    I perfectly understand that because they worked hard for their success. I also recognize that brands would indeed rather work with bloggers with a good portfolio behind them.

    Just the same, I would be forever grateful to well-known travel bloggers and brands that have helped me in my blogging journey.

    Focusing on family travel and parenting

    When Mommy Khris and I became parents, I started to share my experience as a new father in my blog. I didn’t really change this blog’s direction in terms of content because I still wrote about family travel but I added a new topic which I did enjoy writing about.

    However, I did feel that my blog needed a brand refresh to be able to effectively marry the topics of family travel and fatherhood. I soon settled for the name “Dad On The Move” because it denotes being in motion as well as parenthood.

    To be honest, I didn’t really have any grand plans for my blog when I rebranded but I was happy with how it turned out. I felt that I was more at home with it. A few readers still stuck and continued to support my blog.

    Over the course of a few months, new opportunities opened their doors to me in ways that I had never imagined.

    How I did my blog rebranding

    Frankly speaking, my blog rebranding exercise is not really a complicated process and I wouldn’t try to make it look like one. At the same time, it wasn’t also a simple procedure because I had to think about it for several days because I wanted the new name to echo the topics that I love to write about.

    Laptop and coffee
    Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

    If you are also planning to rebrand your blog but don’t know where to begin, here are some ideas for you:

    1. Start with a name

    List possible names that appeal to you and that effectively capture your voice and blogging directions. It has to be a name that you really like and something that you’d stick with for life. Once you’ve picked a name that you are in love with, everything else will follow.

    2. Come up with a new username for your social media pages

    Now that you have a blog name that you like, see how you can use it as your username for your social media pages. You have to see if the usernames are taken and if they are, look for possible combinations that are still available.

    For example, when I decided to use the name “Dad On The Move,” I tested if the username “@dadonthemove” was still available. Unfortunately, it was already taken in Instagram so I have to look for another option that’s why I checked “@dadonthemoveph” and it was still not in use. With that, I grabbed the opportunity to revise my social media usernames using that one.

    3. Decide whether you want a new website address

    I decided to use my existing domain name because it contains Mommy Khris and I’s name. It has a sentimental value to me and I’ve had it for a long time that’s why I wanted to keep it. However, I also purchased the domain name because I also wanted to own it and just redirected it to

    You can also do the same or opt to totally change your website address. However, you do need to properly redirect your old address to the new address so as not to lose authority, traffic, and rankings.

    It’s much easier in WordPress because there are plug-ins that can help you do it. On the other hand, I’m not too sure about how to do it in other platforms that’s why I can’t give much information about it.

    4. Create new visuals for your rebranded blog

    You might want to create new cover photos and profile pictures for your rebranded blog to create more impact when you finally announce it.

    5. Make an announcement

    when you have done the necessary revisions on your rebranded blog, you have to announce it to your friends and followers just to give them an idea on the move as well as what to expect from your blog.

    The 4 possible factors that led to new opportunities for my blog

    One of the reasons why I also rebranded my blog was to regain the traffic that it lost because of the pandemic. I mostly had travel content but, as we all know, the travel industry was badly hit by COVID-19.

    A hand on a laptop keyboard
    Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

    I wanted to diversify my content and attract more readers and I felt that sticking to a single niche would be too limiting for my blog. I never really had any expectations for my blog in terms of securing brand collaborations. With hard work and some luck, opportunities came and I’m nothing but grateful for those.

    In any case, here are the reasons why I think my site’s rebranding ushered in new opportunities for me:

    1. Expanded content

    The expanded content meant that my blog could accommodate a wide-range of topics that appeal to more readers hence resulting in more traffic. As well all know, traffic is the lifeblood of blogs and those that have good stats are deemed more attractive to brands.

    2. Relatable voice

    I think being relatable is also a huge factor for my blog. I began to share more stories about fatherhood and parenting in general based on my own experience. I also made reviews about the products that we love in our family and I believe that made my content easier to relate to.

    3. New audience

    I believe that the inclusion of parenting articles and product reviews have attractive new audience into my blog. These are also people that brands can tap into through various arrangements like social media promotion, article seeding, and even online events.

    4. Aligned with brand’s ideals

    I’m very honest when it comes to my values and the causes that I support in my blog. I have further emphasized these when I rebranded my blog and I reckon that it had meld well with the philosophies of some of the brands that I’ve worked with.


    If you are thinking of rebranding your blog, you always have to ask yourself why you want to do it. More often, the answer would be related to the editorial direction of your blog. Once you are sure about the move, it’s a fairly simple process that you can easily accomplish.

    How to rebrand your blog

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    1. Such an amazing Content Dad, truly all this Tips and Reminder was so Helpful, very Impressive ..

    2. Yes ,thats good opportunity ,that is really good po💕💕💕

    3. Congrats daddy ivan, you are really an inspiring blogger. I really love all your contents dahil super ganda ng mga reviews nyo po and very detailed ☺️

    4. You're one of the most inspiring blogger Daddy Iv.
      Honestly l loved all your contents I'm so relate with every blogs about family. Thank you for such an inspiring contents.
