6 Tips On How To Prepare For Your Child’s First Day At School

August 03, 2021

Here are some tips to help your child get over their fist day at school jitters.

The first day of school is a special occasion for every child, especially for a preschooler or kindergartner who’s doing it for the very first time.

Back to school words written on a blackboard
Photo by Alexandr Podvalny from Pexels

6 Tips On How To Prepare For Your Child’s First Day At School

    It’s normal to feel jittery

    Even if classes will be held online at home, it’s normal for parents to feel a little anxious. You might even feel more nervous than your child at times. After all, online classes are still new to most parents and children even if that has been the norm for the past year or so.

    Moreover, kids can also feel a combination of emotions, ranging from fear to excitement so it’s good to also prep them well for school.

    Coming to school prepared can lessen worries

    Similar to other occasions and even personal ventures, preparing well for online classes can help diminish your worries. With a bit of preparation, you’ll realize that the new environment or routine will turn out well for you and your child.

    Here are some tips to help you and your child overcome first-day blues:

    1. Get your finances sorted out

    For parents, one big concern about schooling would be the cost. Thus, you need to settle this matter before the academic year starts. Different schools have different payment schemes, so make sure to ask whoever is in charge about the schedule.

    You should also confirm the accepted payment methods. Some schools accept cash only, while others also welcome checks, credit cards, and even e-wallets.

    If you live away from your children, say you work in Metro Manila but your children stay with your relatives in the province, you’re going to need a reliable method to send money instantly. You can use e-wallets for this purpose; if the school accepts electronic payments, you can wire the money directly to them.

    Lastly, you should prepare yourself for extra school expenses such as art projects and the like. Talk to the teachers, if you must, so you can better manage your child’s schooling budget.

    2. Meet the teacher in advance

    Speaking of talking to the teachers, it’s better if preschoolers and kindergarteners can meet their teachers beforehand. This way, your child can get used to the idea of another adult interacting with them and teaching them new things.

    A mother and her children in front of a laptop
    Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

    If the situation allows, try to have a face-to-face meeting. Otherwise, schedule a video conference between you, your child, and the teacher. This is also a good opportunity to ask any questions you may have regarding lessons, expectations, and the like.

    3. Practice getting ready

    Being introduced to formal education for the first time can be a shock to most children. This is because their routines will change significantly. That’s why it’s a good idea to get some practice in before the actual schooling begins.

    Simulate the start of a “normal” school day, wherein they wake up, eat breakfast, take a shower, and dress up. The night before, help them fix the things they’ll “bring” to school.

    If you have online classes, you can even try having a practice run at home where after your preparation, you sit down and watch an educational video with a classroom set-up.

    Just remember to follow the recommended length of screen time for your child’s age. You can also try video-calling other students or your child’s friends to familiarize them with how online video classes work.

    4. Get back to previous school habits

    For older children who already had a routine in the previous school year, start easing them back in at least two weeks before school. Have them sleep early and wake up early so that they can come to school on time.

    This way, their bodies won’t get “shocked” by the sudden change. You can also have them help with preparations, such as covering their books and notebooks with plastic and other related tasks to get them excited.

    5. Let them know that it’s okay to feel a lot of emotions

    As previously mentioned, your child will probably experience a wide range of emotions before and during their first day of school. They can be excited one day and then scared tomorrow. These feelings can also fluctuate in intensity, which can be stressful for your child.

    Scissors, rulers, and other school materials
    Photo by olia danilevich from Pexels

    If this happens, let your child know that it’s okay to feel the way they do. What’s more, tell them that it’s normal. It’s a good idea to share some stories of your experiences so they know that even you—a person of authority that they look up to—also felt the same.

    Also, encourage your child to tell you why they’re feeling that way. Perhaps they’re worried that you won’t read to them during bedtime anymore. Do your best to reassure them that nothing would change in this regard.

    6. Read and talk about school

    Sometimes, children respond better to people or characters that they can relate to. If this is the case for your child, you may be better off reading about going to school.

    After finishing the story, talk about it in detail. Pay special attention to the way the characters felt and how they responded to it; if there are other characters in the story, discuss what they did as well.


    Most things can be nerve-wracking when you’re doing them for the first time. Children are especially prone to this since they have limited experiences and are therefore first-timers in a lot of things.

    The key is to provide your wholehearted support without coddling. Let them feel! Recognize their emotions and know that this is part of their growing-up journey.

    Tips to prepare your child for their first day at school
    Photo by Armin Rimoldi from Pexels

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