Wise Cleaner DIY Kits: The Smart Home Negosyo Choice To Augment Your Family Travel Fund

March 24, 2024

This is to share my full review and experience in using the Wise Cleaner DIY home cleaning kits as well as why I would recommend it to other parents.

If you are looking for practical home cleaning products or even a smart home negosyo idea, then you might want to consider the do-it-yourself (DIY) dishwashing and hand soap kits from Wise Cleaner.

Wise Cleaner DIY Kit review and recommendation

Wise Cleaner DIY Kits: The Smart Home Negosyo Choice To Augment Your Family Travel Fund

    If you are used to buying commercial liquid dishwashing and hand soaps, you will realize that the more effective variants carry a hefty price tag.

    Sharing my quick unboxing video:

    On the other hand, the more affordable brands can be of inferior quality. Sure, those cheaper brands may work but you’d feel like they offer just the bare essentials and lacking in superior quality like the scent, viscosity, and overall cleaning property.

    Who is Wise Cleaner?

    Wise Cleaner is a local company offering different DIY home cleaning sets. These are products that we normally use to keep our houses clean and free from viruses and bacteria.

    Wise Cleaner DIY Kit dishwashing liquid
    Dishwashing liquid kit

    However, Wise Cleaner can offer these items at a cost that is significantly lower than the ready-to-use commercial variants because you have to mix them yourself.

    These products are the following:

    • Premium Dishwashing Liquid Kit – costs P260 and comes in Calamansi, Lemon, Bubblegum, Strawberry, Green Apple, and Icy Mint scents.
    • Dishwashing Liquid Kit – priced at P230 and comes in Calamansi, Lemon, Bubblegum, Strawberry, Green Apple, and Icy Mint scents.
    • Liquid Hand Soap Kit – the price is P280 and comes in Lemon, Bubblegum, Strawberry, and Green Apple scents.
    • Liquid Detergent Kit – retails at P300.
    • Liquid Bleach Kit – sold at P200.

    4 Great Reasons to Choose Wise Cleaner

    I tried the DIY dishwashing liquid and the liquid hand soap kits and I was quite happy and satisfied with how the final products turned out.

    Wise Cleaner DIY Kit hand soap
    DIY hand soap

    Both these products were easy to mix especially because the instructions were clear and straightforward. Yes, I had to exert a little effort when I was dissolving the gel component during the early part of the process but after that, the succeeding process was a breeze.

    Here’s why I think Wise Cleaner DIY kits are the perfect choice at home:

    1. It’s affordable

    The Wise Cleaner kits are definitely affordable. For example, the premium dishwashing kit only costs P280. Commercial brands cost around P100 for about 75 ml. With the Wise Cleaner premium dishwashing kit, I was able to make 12 liters

    2. You can use it to start your own negosyo (business) to help augment your family travel fund

    We used the finished products at home, which was a practical choice because that meant that we won’t be buying liquid dishwashing and hand soaps for a long time since Wise Cleaner gives good yield.

    Alternatively, this is a great business idea because you can sell the excess products within your neighborhood, for example.

    3. It’s effective

    Wise Cleaner cleanses really well. We particularly love the dishwashing liquid at home because it’s great in removing grease and smell from plates, glasses, and utensils. We’re confident that our home equipment

    4. It can be a great stress reliever

    I really had a lot of fun mixing the DIY cleaning kits. It was a relaxing project and certainly helped relieve my stress. You can even use the opportunity as a bonding moment with your loved ones (just don’t let the kids near the chemicals though).

    How to mix the DIY liquid dishwashing and hand soaps

    What I like about Wise Cleaner is that it gives a simple description of each of the components of the products. That means that we know and understand exactly well what goes in the cleansers that we mix and use.

    Wise Cleaner DIY Kit guide
    DIY kit guide

    Here they are:

    • Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulphate (SLES) gel – the surfactant or primary cleaning agent
    • Cocamide Diethanolamine (CDEA) & Alpha Olefin Sulphonates (AOS) – these are foam boosters
    • Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) – neutralizer & water softener, which means that it can remove unnecessary minerals and components from water
    • Antibac – anti-bacterial agent
    • Degreaser – removes oils and stains
    • Glycerine – moisturizer
    • Preservative – for longer shelf-life
    • Colorant – adds color
    • Scent – adds smell
    • Fixative – for longer scent
    • Pearlizer – for shiny or pearly effect
    • Salt – thickener

    Steps in mixing the dishwashing liquid

    • The most critical component is dissolving the Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulphate (SLES) gel in the water. I suggest dissolving it first in half the volume of water needed or around 6 liters. You may use a spatula to dissolve it. I used my gloved hands to “mash” the gel to somehow soften it and dissolve it into the water faster.
    • After dissolving the SLES gel, you may now add the remaining 6 liters of water. Add the AOS & CDEA then stir to dissolve.
    • Put the degreaser in the mixture, then stir to dissolve.
    • Add EDTA, Antibac, preservative, glycerine, scent, and colorant. Mix the components well.
    • Lastly, gradually add the salt. Be sure to dissolve the salt well. The liquid will thicken as you dissolve more salt. Once done, let the mixture sit for 24 hours to allow the bubbles to dissolve.
    • Transfer to your container of choice.

    Steps in mixing the liquid hand soap

    • For mixing the liquid hand soap, follow the same step as above except for the addition of a foam booster in the second step, the fixative in the fourth step, and pearlizer in the sixth step.
    • Again, let the mixture sit for 24 hours to allow the bubbles to evaporate, the transfer to your container of choice.

    Wise Cleaner DIY Kit cleaning foam
    Cleaning foam

    Product safety:

    • Store the raw materials in a cool and dry place. Avoid putting them in direct sunlight.
    • Keep them out of reach of children and pets.
    • Use gloves, face mask, and goggles or face shield when mixing the products.

    Wise Cleaner DIY kit dishwashing liquid final product
    The final product, this is how much dishwashing liquid we were able to produce

    Here's my step by step video on how to mix the liquid dishwashing soap:


    Wise Cleaner is indeed a wise choice for practical moms and dads because it provides a good yield for a price that is undoubtedly affordable. 

    As such, you can even start a small business at home by selling the extra bottles of your dishwashing liquid and hand soap.

    If you are interested in buying Wise Cleaner DIY kits, you can do so via their online shop.

    Wise Cleaner DIY Kit product review

    This post may contain affiliate links, including those from Amazon Associates, which means that if you book or purchase anything through one of those links, we may earn a small commission but at no extra cost to you. All opinions are ours and we only promote products that we use.

    Leave A Reply

    Feel free to share your thoughts! Relevant comments are welcome on this site. However, spam and promotional comments will not be published.


    1. I will have to try these out. I am forever trying to keep the house clean.

    2. I love the scents that this cleaner comes in. Bubble gum scent would make a nice cleaning experience.

    3. This is my first time learning about Wise Cleaner DIY Kits, I have to look into checking them out.

    4. This sounds like a great investment for those wanting to start their own soap making business or those who like to have a stock of cleaning supplies.

    5. Richelle Escat Milar17 August 2021 at 07:50

      This sounds great! This is my first time heard this brand, this is available in the Philippines, right?

    6. I remember the science activities we did in highschool. We did something like this. It's so fun!

    7. Scarlett Brooklyn17 August 2021 at 14:33

      Wow, that's a really huge difference from the ready made detergent's price. And it's so fun to make diy stuff!

    8. Wow, this is so cool! The name itself says how wise to use their product, awesome!

    9. This isn't a bad idea. Looks like it lathers very well.

    10. Those cleaning kits sound great. And I love the fact that they're affordable. -LYNNDEE

    11. カマネーロ アップルジョイ8 May 2022 at 18:27

      Ang galing din po nito wise cleaner . Tlgang effective at napaka daling gawin . Marami pa ang magagawa kaya pang matagalan at sulit na sulit . Very affordable price pa 😍(Apple Joy Camañero)

    12. Rowena callo Villareno8 May 2022 at 18:27

      Thank you for sharing complete details dadi iv perfect choice pala ang wise cleaner para sa DIY kasi bukod sa affordable na, effective and madami pa magagawan so pwede na din natin ibenta yung sobra.

    13. Hyun Jang Nim8 May 2022 at 18:28

      I like the reasons that you have listed specially that it's a stress reliever, I love doing diy and I think I will also have fun doing this. Wise Cleaner is indeed a nice choice, easy to make, effective and affordable. This is great value for money.

