Malayan Insurance’s Home Protect Plus Will Help Secure Your Dream Home

March 13, 2019

For most Filipinos, especially those who have families, being able to finally have a home they can call their own is their ultimate goal in life.

Malayan Insurance’s Home Protect Plus is one of the best options available in the market today to secure your dream home plus a lot more.

Homeowners can relax because of Malayan Insurance’s Home Protect Plus

Malayan Insurance’s Home Protect Plus Will Help Secure Your Dream Home

    Securing your dream home

    For most Filipinos, especially those who have families, being able to finally have a home they can call their own is their ultimate goal in life.

    Whether it is a house and lot or a condominium unit, the joy of being able to invest in a property for one’s family is indescribable because it is no easy feat, especially with the rising cost of real estate in Metro Manila.

    However, while it may not be the top concern of homeowners when moving into their new house,  do keep in mind that the possibility of unfortunate events happening, such as fire and natural calamities, is very real and always at a time when they are least expected. 

    As such, property owners must exhaust all possible efforts to ensure that their assets are protected at all costs. Good thing home insurance in the Philippines is readily available to homeowners who are looking at protecting their hard-earned investment.

    Of course, the last thing that we want to do is to worry about unforeseen events when we are in a celebratory mood. 

    Nevertheless, we have to be mindful of the many stories about individuals who have invested their entire life savings in a property only for it to be razed to the ground by a huge blaze or wiped out by a strong typhoon. 

    While keeping oneself safe in such situations should be the top priority at all times, it is always somehow reassuring to know that it is still possible to recover losses if a property is insured.   

    The Malayan Insurance's Home Protect Plus advantage

    Malayan Insurance’s Home Protect Plus is a trusted name in the local insurance industry when it comes to helping Filipinos secure their properties.

    Founded in 1930 and backed by the Yuchengco Group, Malayan Insurance has, over the years, grown to become one of the best non-life insurance providers in the Philippines today. 

    Being one of the pioneers in homeowners’ insurance in the Philippines, Filipinos are assured that they are getting one of the best in the market in terms of products and service quality standards.

    Malayan Insurance’s Home Protect Plus will help protect your hard-earned investment

    What coverage does Malayan Insurance’s Home Protect Plus provide?

    Malayan Insurance’s Home Protect Plus will provide coverage to a policyholders’ property due to damages from the following events: 

    • Fire and Lightning
    • Earthquake Fire & Earthquake Shock
    • Typhoon & Flood (subject to underwriting evaluation and approval)
    • Riots, Strikes, and Malicious Damage
    • Bursting or Overflowing of Water Tanks, Pipes & Fittings (BOWTAP)
    • Sprinkler Leakage
    • Volcanic Eruption 
    • Extended Coverage (Smoke Damage, Explosion, Vehicular Impact & Falling Aircraft)

    Malayan Insurance understands that, in addition to the scenarios mentioned above, there are other threats and property maintenance costs that some homeowners may not readily anticipate. Thus, Malayan Insurance’s Home Protect Plus will also provide coverage for the following occurrences:

    • Burglary & Housebreaking
    • Personal Liability
    • Accidental Breakage of Fixed Glass
    • Alterations & Repairs
    • Alternative Accommodation
    • Architect & Surveyor's Fees
    • Automatic Increase Clause
    • Debris Removal
    • Expediting Expense
    • Fire Fighting Expense
    • Professional Fees
    • Replacement & Lock Keys
    • Temporary Removal Clause
    • Outbuilding Clause
    • Special Assessment Clause for condominium units

    Additional protection

    For the utmost security and peace of mind of policyholders, Malayan Insurance Home Protect Plus will also give them the following protection:

    1. Personal Accident 

    This will provide coverage to the insured, his/her spouse, and the children in the event of Accidental Death, Disablement, and/or Dismemberment, including medical reimbursement and burial expenses.

    2. Family Hospitalization 

    This will provide financial assistance to the insured and/or his/her family members during hospital confinement and surgical expenditures incurred because of an accident.

    3. Household Employee Insurance 

    This extends the coverage of the insured to provide hospitalization, personal accident, and personal belongings protection to all house help and other household employees.

    4. Valuable Items Protection 

    This will provide insurance to personal possessions or declared valuable items such as works of art or antique pieces, as long as these are within the premises of the insured property.


    Surely, time and time again, you have heard about the merits of getting yourself or your property insured. Those advantages cannot be overemphasized simply because we really do not know what the future has in store for us.

    Malayan Insurance’s Home Protect Plus will also provide personal accident and hospitalization coverage among others

    But what’s good about the insurance products available in the market today is that these extend protection and coverage to other incidents such as accidents and hospitalization. 

    Some insurance premiums also have investment components that allow policyholders to enjoy cashback after a certain number of years.  

    If cost is your concern, many insurance companies offer flexible payment schemes and options to suit the requirements and monetary capabilities of different individuals.

    Worry less with Malayan Insurance’s Home Protect Plus

    While you certainly would not want any unfortunate event to happen to you or any of your loved ones, it is always good to know that you are backed up financially in the event that such things happen.

    Should you have additional questions or would want to request a quotation, you may avail of Malayan Insurance’s free consultation. Simply call 242-8888 or visit any Malayan Insurance branch.

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    1. Insurance is essential protection.

    2. Owning a home is an achievement for most of us throughout the world, it is highly important to protect that investment.

    3. I will surely check this out if we plan to buy our house in the Philippines in the future. We’re still looking forward to go home. Will recommend this to my family too.

    4. Definitely an important part of life for every aspect..

    5. Malayan Insurance Home Protect Plus sounds like solid protection. We're always looking for good companies to protect our home too!

    6. This is good to have. After seeing the news of the big fire in Manila, a few days ago. It definitely convinced me to get home insurance. Happy to know that Malayan offers this. Thank you for sharing.

