Giveaway Alert: Get a free one year guide subscription worth US$18.99 from GPSMyCity

May 17, 2018

GPSMyCity is a mobile app that lets you download city guides that you can use for walking tours.

We are happy to announce that we are having our very first giveaway in partnership with GPSMyCity. At stake is a free one-year subscription to GPSMyCity worth US$18.99 that will be given to 10 of this blog’s lucky readers. That means full access to all offline city guides and articles which the winners may download from the GPSMyCity mobile phone app.

GPSMyCity downloadable city guides

Winning is easy. Just keep in mind these simple steps:

A. The giveaway is open from May 17, 2018, until May 31, 2018.
B. The 10 winners of the free one-year subscription to GPSMyCity will be chosen via Rafflecopter so be sure to register via the widget below.
C. The entrants to this giveaway will earn raffle points through the following options:
  • By leaving a meaningful comment of 5 words or more to this post, equivalent to three (3) points. Tell us where you plan or hope to travel this year!

  • By sharing this post on Facebook and tagging @dadonthemoveph and/or on Twitter and tagging @dadonthemoveph, equivalent to three (3) points. Participants may do this once each day for the entire duration of the giveaway.

  • By liking Dad On The Move ( on Facebook, equivalent to three (3) points.

  • By following @dadonthemoveph on Instagram, equivalent to three (3) points.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

D. The free one-year subscription to GPSMyCity is not convertible to cash or gift certificate.
E. The winners will be announced via our Facebook page.
F. All winners agree to register a GPSmyCity user account for free in order to avail of the complimentary subscription.

All winners may get in touch with us through our Facebook page or through our contact form. If you have not yet registered to GPSMyCity, you may do so through this link.

After registering, please advise us through our Facebook page or via our contact form the email address that you used for registering your GPSMyCity account so that you can be assigned with premium privileges.

Thereafter, just log in to your account through the GPSmyCity app (on your phone or tablet) and download the full version (complete with GPS navigation) of all the city guides and articles that you want in the course of one year, free of charge.

The GPSmyCity app can be downloaded through iTunes and Google Play

What is the GPSMyCity app?

GPSmyCity is a Blog2App platform, meaning it converts travel blogs or posts into GPS-powered mobile apps. This way, the apps can be downloaded into mobile phones and tablets and can be used as personal city guides. Some of its benefits are being able to read articles offline, having your own personal tour guide, being able to travel at your own pace, and saving on costs from group tours.

You can read more about it in this post: The Top 4 Advantages of Using GPSMyCity Downloadable City Guides.

Some of our articles that are available as apps are the following:

  1. Negros Oriental Diaries Manjuyod Sandbar and Dumaguete City
  2. Negros Oriental Diaries Dumaguete City Food Guide
  3. Discovering Baler: Going Around Town Part I
  4. Discovering Baler: Going Around Town Part II
  5. Ushering 2016 with a Weekend Adventure in Bohol
  6. Puerto Princesa Food Diary
  7. Puerto Princesa City Familiarization Tour
  8. Where to Eat in Baler
  9. Day 3: Roaming around Cebu City

You can read these articles offline and get GPS-guided travel directions to the attractions featured in the articles by downloading the GPSmyCity app on iTunes App Store or Google Play.

That's it! Join this giveaway for a chance to enjoy this great travel tool for free.
This post may contain affiliate links, including those from Amazon Associates, which means that if you book or purchase anything through one of those links, we may earn a small commission but at no extra cost to you. All opinions are ours and we only promote products that we use.

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Feel free to share your thoughts! Relevant comments are welcome on this site. However, spam and promotional comments will not be published.


  1. Great application. I have just heard of this now, really useful for world travelers.

  2. I have always loved to travel and up til a few years ago we did just that, thane we started raising our second family, this is the first year they are old enough to travel easily with us. So this is the year to GO

    1. Sounds like you have a big adventure ahead! My wife and I are also raising our first son; he is still an infant so we cannot travel with him yet. I will keep an eye on your adventures because i need all the tips I can get on family travels and traveling with children. Good luck and thank you for dropping by!

  3. Fantastic giveaway and great guide! It looks great and I would really love to use it!
    My summer is going to be filled with travelling through Europe. I plan on huge trip from Italy to Belgium through Switzerland, France, Germany and Luxemburg, then round trip in Finland and Greece (latter is hoped for fall). This year is going to be incredible!

    1. Wow, you have a big trip coming up! GPSMyCity has an extensive library of downloadable guides. I'm sure you will find it helpful. Thank you for dropping by!

  4. blogthirtyminusone20 May 2018 at 22:41

    This is a fun giveaway. I didn't realize this app was out on the market.


  5. This sounds like such a valuable app! And it sounds like it is giving bloggers a larger audience. Love it!

    1. Oh, yeah. It's actually an affiliate partnership arrangement. Aside from promoting bloggers' content, they also share revenue when the full guides are downloaded. Thank you for dropping by!

  6. What a clever app. Hope it is a great subscription people will enjoy.

    1. Yup, there is such an app and it's really useful, especially for backpackers. Hope you'll try it, too. Thank you for dropping by!

  7. I have never heard of this app until now! This literally sounds like an amazing app and It sounds great for exploring place you haven't really thought of!

  8. Super giveaway, this! This sounds like a really useful app to have! Thanks for the opportunity to win a subscription!

    1. Yup, try it it's a great app. I hope you joined the giveaway, who knows, you might win Thank you for dropping by!

  9. Patrice Boothe21 May 2018 at 19:08

    I've never heard of the App before I love technology they think of everything, great idea to do an giveaway like this.

    Love Patrice xx

  10. justbusylovinglife21 May 2018 at 21:38

    What a cool app! Would certainly be useful! Thank you for the giveaway!

  11. This is a super giveaway someone is going to be very happy to win a subscription to this useful app!

  12. This looks like a great giveaway. I'm sure it will be super useful for whoever wins!

  13. The winner for this giveaway is going to be lucky! It's one year!!

  14. Definitely seems like a really cool app. We travel alot so it is probably well worth the investment for us.

  15. Fun giveaway idea and who couldn't use GPS when traveling? We are visiting Iceland this year - can't wait!

  16. What a cool app! I can see this being very useful.

  17. What a great opportunity to win! It sounds like a great subscription and I would love to win! Good luck everyone!

  18. Never heard of this before but it sounds like a great giveaway!

  19. hello po!
    Nice to see you in the blogosphere!
    I see you've been to Cebu! Hope you enjoyed your stay here.

    I'll consider signing up for this app. It's interesting.

    1. Hello! Likewise. Yup, I love Cebu. Everything about it. Yes, please sign up. It's really easy, just register via Rafflecopter. Thank you for dropping by!

  20. I would like having my own personal tour guide. Seems like a great app for travel! I like that it is easy to navigate and fun to use.

  21. Hi Ivan. I already have this so I'm not joining. I can say though that the app is indeed helpful for travel. Goodluck on the would-be winner.

  22. Sound like a lovely app. The give away is also very generous!

  23. Sounds interesting - especially for me as a journalist and travel blogger. Never heard of this before, will have a look at it.

  24. This is such an interesting app, never heard of it though. It sure deserves a lot more recognition for all those amazing features. Every travel blogger needs to hear about it.

  25. I'd love to travel to a lot of places this year if only time permits. This is a fantastic giveaway that can benefit a lot of people and motivate them to travel more! Good luck to all those who joined!

  26. shreyasaha198723 May 2018 at 09:38

    Haven't heard of this app before, but this seems interesting as you can actually take your articles along with you in the app. I am so stuck this month, I guess I would check this out laters, soon.

  27. Befitting Style23 May 2018 at 11:41

    I've never heard of this. Is it like Google maps? Either way it's cool!

  28. Sigrid Says Blog23 May 2018 at 12:14

    Having a GPS is so useful, especially if you live in a very big province. Too bad we can't use it here. Too many places that were not uploaded yet.

  29. This year I still all about Europe. First we are going to south of France to relax in Provence and enjoy fields of lavender. Then we will drive around Cyprus do take photos

  30. Such a great giveaway. Looks like a great app!

  31. such an interesting initiative , i am sure that the majority of people out here would definitely be interested , all the best to the winners and also to u

  32. The APP does sound pretty cool. For any traveling and adventuring people out there, or even people wanting to check out more things locally and looking for staycation opportunities, this looks great.

  33. This looks like such a great giveaway. I can see how it would be so useful whether you are traveling or staying home. So many opportunities for adventure.

  34. Such giveaways as yours provide a lot of boost and encouragement for world travelers. They definitely add excitement for those who lack the right travel equipments and can't afford them. I know some friends who would love to participate, I will forward this to them right away

  35. This looks like a great app and a travel companion indeed. I am looking forward to download this app before my next travel.

  36. This looks like a great app and a travel companion indeed. I am looking forward to download this app before my next travel :)

  37. This is a generous giveaway and very useful! Good luck to all the entries :D

  38. Wow, truly this is very interesting. I love the fact that the GPSMyCity willc change the way every adventurous people travel. I will try to join in this contest, and will share this to my friends as well. You've had a great collaborations with this very useful app. Thank you so much for sharing this with us.

    1. Thank you for dropping by, Lai! Yup, do give it a try. I hope you signed up for the giveaway so you can see it for yourself. You can also join their affiliate program, they can help transform your guides into apps.

  39. great for travellers and very interesting info, especially the giveaway. Apoo sounds great

  40. This looks like a great app...especially for people who love to travel or are travel bloggers. I hope this app works in Middle East too... :)

    1. Yup, it's a great app. Not really sure if there are restrictions in the Middle East but they have maps and city guides from all over the globe. I hope you joined the giveaway. :) Thank you for dropping by!

  41. Ivan. I find this feature very interesting where a blog post is converted to a trip. How does this happen? I will take a look at this company. I am very interested in partnering with them, if they are looking at global blog posts outside Europe.

    1. They will do everything for you, with your approval, of course. They will convert your post into a downloadable guide. Yup, they work with bloggers globally. I hope you signed up for the giveaway so that you can give it a try.

  42. That is a wonderful initiatuve you have taken here.I feel organizing givesways is a good way for bloggers to connect with each other.This app sounds like a goid platform for globe trottersx

  43. Super generous to be giving away 10 of them. And what a great magazine to have for travelers. Love it!
