Honda Bay Island Hopping Tour for Couple Travelers [Puerto Princesa, Palawan]

June 26, 2023

Honda Bay island hopping tour is commonly included in itineraries when in Puerto Princesa City, Palawan.

Honda Bay island hopping tour is commonly included in itineraries when in Puerto Princesa City, Palawan. It is a highly recommended activity if you want to explore the pristine islands and beaches of Palawan. For your Honda Bay tour, you may opt to do it yourself (DIY) or avail of a tour package offered by many reputable travel agencies. As for our experience, the latter is more convenient as well as cost and time-efficient.

Honda Bay Island Hopping Tour wharf
At the wharf before the Honda Bay Island Hopping Tour

Honda Bay Island Hopping Tour for Couple Travelers [Puerto Princesa, Palawan]

    Our Journey

    We were already up a short moment after the morning sunshine began piercing the clouds. We had a quick breakfast and, afterward, we immediately prepared for the arrival of our guide. Our group boarded a van and left the city proper, taking the main road that leads to the wharf. We made a brief stop to rent aqua shoes and snorkels (Php250 per person) and then proceeded to the wharf. We were informed by our guide that our boat has not yet arrived, so we still have to wait for it.

    Other options on how to get to Honda Bay

    Getting around Puerto Princesa City is very easy. The primary and most common method to explore the city is to hire a tricycle. If you are coming from the airport or from your hotel, you may ask a tricycle to take you to the wharf going to Honda Bay. Alternatively, there are multi-cabs, vans, and jeepneys that can take you to the wharf. 

    As you can see, the options on how to Honda Bay are abundant. From the wharf, you may inquire from the boat operators about which group you can join. In our case, we got a tour package so, as I had mentioned above, the travel agency's van picked us up from our hotel and took us to the wharf.

    Honda Bay Island Hopping Tour flaglets
    Colorful flags at Luli Island

    About the Honda Bay Tour

    We were to visit three islands in Honda Bay, namely Starfish Island, Luli Island, and Cowrie Island. Honda Bay is one of the numerous bays in the Philippines (Wikipedia). It is situated on the mid-eastern shore of Puerto Princesa City (Go Palawan Travel) and is home to several islands that are popular snorkeling and diving destinations.

    Our Boat Ride

    From the wharf, there are numerous motorized bancas that take tourists to the islands. These are manned by a boatman and 2 assistants who also serve as lifeguards. When we were already on our boat, we were given a quick briefing by our guide on what to expect from the tour, the activities that we can do, and a little trivia about the islands that we will visit. Our boat traversed the deep blue waters of Honda Bay for 45 minutes until we reached our first destination.

    Starfish Island

    As our boat slowly approached the island, we couldn't help but admire the crystal-clear waters that surround the area. Our guide told us that the island serves as home to the biggest population of starfish in all of Palawan, thus, the name.

    Honda Bay Island Hopping Tour Starfish Island
    Starfish Island

    Starfish Island is dotted with numerous cottages. The sand is white but if you are expecting it to be as fine as Boracay sand, prepare to be disappointed because it was a little coarse. There was not really much to see around the area. Tourists can only swim on one side of the island because the other side is lined with a strip of mangrove clusters.

    Honda Bay Island Hopping Tour white sands of Starfish Island
    White sands of Starfish Island

    Our guide said that we can already snorkel and explore the island, and then just go back to our cottage by lunchtime. We wasted no time and did as we were told.

    Honda Bay Island Hopping Tour enjoying Starfish Island
    Enjoying the water of Starfish Island

    By lunchtime, a buffet of seafood, grilled pork belly, and vegetables greeted us. The food, though simple everyday fare, was good and did not disappoint both in quality and in quantity.

    Honda Bay Island Hopping Tour lunch buffet
    Lunch buffet

    Luli Island

    From Starfish Island, we proceeded to Luli Island. From afar, it looked like a long strip of land with a sandbar. The name of the island, according to our guide, is the condensed form of "lulubog-lilitaw" or, roughly translated in English, sinking and rising. This is because the whole island is totally submerged in water during high tide and emerges during low tide.

    Honda Bay Island Hopping Tour Luli Island from afar
    Luli Island from afar

    Honda Bay Island Hopping Tour Luli Island
    At Luli Island

    Not much to do here also but snorkel. We brought with us pieces of bread for fish feeding. Prepare to be swarmed by fish once you start to put pieces in the water.

    Cowrie Island

    Our last stop for the day was Cowrie Island. It got its name from marine snails called cowrie that live around the waters surrounding the island.

    Honda Bay Island Hopping Tour Cowrie Island from afar
    Approaching Cowrie Island

    Honda Bay Island Hopping Tour Cowrie Island
    Cowrie Island

    Among the three islands, this is the most developed. It has cabanas, an activity center with a store, and a spa area. Banana boat and flying fish rides are also offered here. We were a bit exhausted by the heat so we just decided to stroll around the island.

    Honda Bay Island Hopping Tour Cowrie Island sand castle

    Ending our day

    We bade goodbye to Cowrie Island shortly after 4 pm. While the islands were undoubtedly beautiful, I had mixed feelings about the tour. Because of the big crowd, it felt just like any other commercialized outing. I was just craving to see and experience something beyond the ordinary, something that would leave me breathless and in awe. Maybe in El Nido in the near future. Still, it was a fine day, a well-spent one. It was another happy memory for keeps.


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    1. Nice pictures, looks like a nice area!

    2. Starfish island looks like a cool place.Love to visit it one day

    3. Amazing pictures, what camera do you use?

      1. Thank you, Natalie. I use a Nikon Coolpix P300.

    4. It looks lovely here, great photos x

    5. Catrin - theVeganista23 July 2016 at 13:15

      Wow, this looks amazing!! Love to go there!

    6. What amazing pictures. Looks like you guys had a blast.

    7. Hey,kababayan,Ang Galing Nyo,PINOY kasi !

    8. Thank you, Natalie. I use a Nikon Coolpix P300.

    9. Thank you for dropping by!

    10. Lovely, indeed. Thank you!

    11. Yes, it is. Thanks for reading!

